Flower’s Bay

Children’s Community Center

The Flower’s Bay Children’s Community Center offers the children of Roatan education resources, tutoring and educational guidance at no cost to the children or their families.

Wifi Accessibility

The center offers free access to Wifi, enabling the children to continue learning virtually with the guidance of center volunteers.


Tutors are available to assist the children with their homework at no cost and can help with a number of subjects.

Guidance & Encouragement

As many know, guidance and encouragement can create a solid foundation for a budding student or offer the needed support for struggling one. In addition to tutoring, our tutors are available to assist children with questions and to provide guidance and encouragement as they continue their education.


“Our goal with the center is to enhance the sense of community that is already at the heart of Flower’s Bay.”

- Amy, Co-Founder of Friends of Roatan

There is more to come.


Friends of Roatan is diligently working to offer more programs and services through the center for the children. These noew programs include the following:


Music Program


As the most requested program from the children of the center, the development music program is underway. This program will include guitar, drums, piano, and vocal lessons.


Environmental Awareness Program


An environmental awareness program is in development to empower the residents of Flower’s Bay to cleanup and protect the Mesoamerican Reef that surrounds the island.

Donations are needed.

Attendance to the center and programs within are free of charge to the children of Roatan and their families. All expenses incurred are paid for through donations and volunteering. Please show your support for the Flower’s Bay Community Center by dontating today.